Sunday, August 1, 2010

Seven - Do a Little Dance...

When my sweet wife does a certain thing, no matter where
we are, I get all excited and I can't control myself. She can
make me do a goofy little dance just by looking at me with
love in her eyes. She protests that, from her point of view,
it is just me being silly, but I think not. My frantic reaction
is entirely in her hands, as she must know. I find it simply
amazing that she has this ability to make me dance around,
beyond my control, whenever she wants. It is my firm
belief that she does it on purpose, just because she can.

Get down, get down, get down, get down
Get down tonight, baby

Oh, I just can't resist:

1 comment:

  1. you're so clever. and it's sweet that you're willing to let people think i make you dance around! sssshhhhhh! don't tell anyone... let 'em figure it out!

    p.s. i think so, too.
