Thursday, September 16, 2010

Twelve - The Little Things.

(This gentleman looks more and more like The Cos' every time I see him.)

What does famed rapper Q-Tip have to do with me and my baby? Besides sharing his name with a dog we both know?

Well, it is like this: I use Q-tips in my meticulous grooming process. The Q-Tip dispenser holds 500 individual pleasure sticks, and is too large and unnatractive for the counter-top. The solution: a handy dispenser that holds about 42 of these beauts.

My Robin fills up the handy-dandy every time it has just about run out. I have NEVER filled it up! NOT ONE TIME! It is like having a magic coin purse!! Except, you know, Q-Tips instead of coins, and aforementioned Q-Tiperator, instead of a purse. But otherwise, EXACTLY THE SAME!

1 comment:

  1. Mart, you should have rapper Q-Tip sing and set your last paragraph to music!! (Guess you know I'm the Q-Tiperator, toilet paperator, salt'n name it.. around here - must be a woman thang!)
