Monday, January 2, 2012

Dirty Floor - Dressed to Impress

      It seems that women's work is never done, and I think that is perhaps due to their general industriousness, which eclipses that of men. Over the years, they have been in charge of taking care of the house and the family, and now more than ever they also work outside the home. It is crazy. 

  And the man feels like he has really stepped up his game when he spends an hour or two watching the kids once in a while, or he folds a basket of laundry and goes shopping.  My wife, for example, seems to do 90% of the work around here, and when I do the other 10%, I somehow manage to soak up 50% of the glory and accolades. What it comes down to here, for this post, is that she makes sure I have clothes to wear.

It feels great to be well-dressed, but I'm not very good at putting the pieces together to get the right look.

Sometimes this means breaking out the ironing board.
Without her help, I would not be dressed for success.

1 comment:

  1. that's it! no more glory or accolades for you! lol! i thought you liked wearing the laurel leaves at the front of the parade while i showered you with rose petals! btw, thanks for folding the washcloths!
